Thursday, January 28, 2010

Friar Lawrence

Hi Guys!
I hope you are enjoying the snow!
THe two repsonses to this post will not be due until Monday, 2/22. I don't think we are going to see each other at all this week...
So, here it is:
In Act II, scene iii, Friar Lawrence says that "vice sometimes by action dignified," meaning that vice may, in special circumstances, be used for good. This is similar to "the ends justifies the means." What do you think of this idea? Can bad actions be used for good? If they can be, should they be?
Bonus - What action of the Friar's does this line forshadow?
Respond using at least three sentences to this post. Later, respond using three sentences to a classmate's post on this same issue. Both posts must be completed by Monday, February 22.


  1. I do believe that sometimes a few bad choices can aid the greater good in the long run. Saying this though, it can be hard to discern between a good/bad choice because good/bad are just points of view and can be rationalized to be one way or the other. The "ends justifies the means" quote can be supported but i personally would not take a moral lapse to justify future success.

  2. Sometimes bad actions may be used for good, but it may have consequences in the end. Although if this action is for the greater good and in your opinion must be done to get to the good point then i believe its necessary. This all depends though on what the bad action is and how it may turn out in the end. They should not be used though because too many bad actions can turn into a bad action instead of a good.

  3. In some cases bad actions can be used for good. Throughout history many people have done "bad actions" for the common good. For example, Rosa Parks and the bus boycott in the 1950's. Some officials at the time thought what Rosa Parks has done was wrong. While others in society thought it was justice. Therefore yes, bad actions can be used for good and should be used.

  4. In certain situations, vice can turn into virtue depending on who is committing the fault. "Bad actions" are not always bad because depeding on the 'who, what, when, where, whys' could actually end up being a good thing. Sometimes, in order to help make a change, people have to do something they know might not be right, but can get people to open their eyes and realize something (and if they realize something, then its good!)The Friar is saying this because it foreshadows him marrying Romeo and Juliet and how it could potentially be a "bad action," with their families being lifelong enemies and all. However the Friar later says "For this alliance may so happy prove
    To turn your households' rancor to pure love." This shows how the Friar knows marrying the two lovers is a bad thing, but can be turned into a good thing by bringing their families together.

  5. Sometimes bad actions can be used for good. It really just depends on what exactly the "bad action" is and what consequences come from it. If the "bad action" is to help the greater good than yes, sometimes doing a "bad action" might be the only solution. However if a person is constantly committing "bad actions" than it is not a good thing after all. But I guess a lot of the time it comes down to who it is helping and what will the end result be.

  6. Hooray Liana for answering the bonus question too!

  7. Bad actions can be used for good, though it does have consequences. Though it may require sacrifices, later those sacrifices become worth something. Therefore if good intentions behind the "bad actions", it may benefit the common good in the long run.

  8. Like what everyone else said, bad actions, can be used for good, depending on the circumstance.Lots of bad actions have ended up being good, especially in this book.For example, Romeo wasn't supposed to go to the Capulets' party because he wasnt invited, but he ended up going, and meeting the love of his life.Also, this line foreshadows when the friar decides he will marry the two because he believes that, even though this is a bad action,with their families being in a feud and such, it'll end up benefitting the common good.

  9. Depending on a situation, bad actions can be used for a good cause. If the person feels that it creates a benefit for their environment or community even though its a bad action, they can improve and succeed for the common good. Friar decides that he wants the two houses, Capulet and Montague, marry one another because he believes that the marriage would bring peace. The situation becomes a benefit for everyone,it just depends on the consequences.

  10. Even though bad actions can be used for good there is almost always a consequence. Your bad action can benefit you and hurt someone else or even the other way around. Perhaps if you think the actions through and weigh the options, the bad actions might be a wonderful surprise in the end.

  11. Sometimes bad choices reflect to positive outcomes but most of the time bad choices lead to bad outcomes. I believe that sometimes intentions can be good but if the means used to accomplish the good intentions are negative, the liklihood of a bad outcome is increased. This quote foreshadows the Friar's good intentions of helping Romeo and Juliet being together by giving Juliet the potion to appear dead. However, though his intentions were good, both Romeo and Juliet ended up dead. Though the outcome of the choices brought death to Romeo and Juliet, their two houses stopped the feud. If the ends justify the means then the deaths of Romeo and Juliet are insignificant compared to the "greater good."

  12. Bad actions/choices sometimes may result in a positive outcome but in the process whom/what have you hurt? Even if the outcome is good but is their not an alternative route one could take?Just like "the ends justify the means" are the means worth while enough to do the bad actions? Every action comes with a consequence and sometimes you get surprised with the outcome. For example, in the book Romeo goes to the Capulet's party and when Fiar agrees to marry romeo and Juliet. Bad actions both,but one ends up with true love and one is in good intentions for the good of the two families.

  13. I think that in ceratain cases the ends may justify the means. I think bad actions can be used for good as ong as the costs of the bad actions do not outweigh the benefits of the good action. Even though they can be used I do not think they should if another option is available.

  14. I agree with Leanna, which is also agreeing with myself. Throughout history people have done bad actions to get what was needed, which in turn ended up being a good thing. Rosa Parks is a perfect example because she did what was arong at the time and turned into the civil rights movement which created equality for everyone. This proves how a bad action can be turned into good, as in the example of Rosa Parks.

  15. In certain predicaments one must commit a wrong doing in order to make positive progress. However, good choices can be viewed as badly and vice versa differing with each indivdual in society. Consequently, I believe everyone views other's choices differently according to how their choice will be most beneficial to themselves.

  16. I agree with Logan. Sometimes when you do bad action it doesn't always have to benefit you. It could be for the good of someone else. Which leads me to agree with Leanna and Miranda: Rosa Parks did not end up with great consequences from her "bad action". She went to jail. But by doing so she was benefitting other blacks so they were given equal rights.

  17. Alli Driscoll brought up a good point. In order to progress, someone must do something not allowed (I said the same thing.)However people view these wrong doings differently which influences their choices and how themselves and others benefit [from their choices.] Also, I agree with what Haley said when she agreed with Logan. These "bad actions" do ot always benefit the person doing them, they are sometimes meant to benefit someone else. Smart thinking Haley!

  18. I believe that bad actions that some view as bad can be used for good; it depends on the result and what it is being used for. If the action is something that is life threatening, then no. But if it's for a good purpose, then it could change people's lives in a positive way(Our Forefathers revolting against Great Britain and as Miranda said Rosa Parks).

    This line foreshadows Frair's actions of helping Romeo and Juliet get married. Their families would take it as something that's bad, but he believes that it will have a good result(their families stop fighting).

  19. Brittney.H,Leanna.M,and Alie.D all bring up extremely good points. Doing good or bad actions, a lot of the times depends on the person and society themselves. Sometimes like many of the examples used doing what was considered a bad action was benefiting an entire group of people. Much like Frair the foreshadowing might means hes not just doing Romeo and Juliet a favor, but looking at the big picture of improving their families relationships.

  20. Bad actions can be used for good in certain circumstances. When people use it for the right reasons, it has a positive outcome. I believe that if a bad action is used for good, it should have a positive outcome for many people for it to be justified. For example, if the FBI wiretaps a criminal to make him admit to a wrong-doing so they can put him in jail, it positively affects many people so it is justified.

  21. I agree with Logan. Like in my example, whenever the government does something to convict someone, it positively affects many but it does negatively affect that person's family and friends. I too believe that when you use bad actions for good, it never pleases everyone.

  22. In certain situations, I believe “bad actions” can be used for good. It really comes down to the two most important things the “bad action” and “the result of the bad action”. We have to analysis both things by seeing how bad the “bad action” is and how good the "result" is. We have to make sure there is a balance between the two in order to decide if the "bad action" is worth doing.

  23. I agree with Kev because it does depend on your point of view. While Rosa parks actions may have been thought of as bad at the time, if you refuse to give up your seat today it would be considered inconsiderate but not bad. The actions that may have been considered bad from one point of view may not be considered bad from another. Also, actions may have an outcome so that the actions are not even considered bad.

  24. Sometimes a bad action can be for the greater good or to improve a society. A person going against the law to support their belief is an example of this. Some people in your society may not support your actions. It may also come with consequences but it could make a change for the better in the long run.

  25. I agree with Jon and Logan because no matter what not everyone will agree with your choices. The example of the conviction of someone exemplifies this belief because it demonstrates how someone is being rightfully punished, however the consequences also affects their innocent family. Furthermore,a single decision has both negative and positice impacts.

  26. I do believe that sometimes bad actions can be used for good. But they should only be used to aid someone in grave danger because in the end the outcome might not always be in your favor. An example of this lying in order to keep a friend or a loved one from harm.

  27. Even though some bad actions may have positive outcomes, in most cases bad actions will have bad results. When I say “bad actions” I don’t mean actions like what Rosa Parks did when she tried to change something she knew was wrong… I mean actions that are morally not right. I personally would not risk making bad decisions for the small possibility of getting a good outcome from it.

  28. Although, I do agree with what Laina and Alli Driscoll said about bad actions being necessary to bring about progress. Like what Laina said, sometimes people need a bad action to realize that there needs to be change. If the change turns out to be positive, then yes, bad actions can be used for good.

  29. In some situations bad actions can turn to good decisions, they don't always turn out bad. For example, in real life some people make bad decisions because they know in the long run it will help them and be for the better good. But usually it should be a positive change for everyone or a whole group, not just a couple of people.

  30. I believe bad actions could be used for good but it depends on what your intentions are. If you are only thinking about yourself and not about the common good of every one else, then this is not right but if it is for the best for everyone bad actions then this is fine. But keep in mind that this may have some consequences. I kind of agree with what ermias273 said when he said that it should be done to help someone in danger? Technically I don't believe it has to go that far, to then make that kind of decision but what you do should be well thought about before you actually do it.

  31. it also foreshadows that Friar is not just doing Romeo and Juliet a favor or trying to gain their favor but he's just trying to improve the relationships between the two feuding households.

  32. Great conversation so far! I'm really interested in the thread of defining "bad." Is bad contextual, or are there universal moral wrongs?

  33. I do think bad actions can be used for good. But it really depends in the long or short run. For example: a person can decide to invest in property when they don't have much money and could be in a financial for a while. But in the future when the market value for property increases, this person can see a good return in his investment. It was a "bad" decision at the time when the person was making the investment, but in the long run, it was a decision that turned good.

  34. I also agree with Leanna, sometimes a person has to do a "bad" thing or action, but it can be used for good. Rosa Parks was a perfect example of bad actions being used for good, as she has to bend the law, which was considered "bad" to bring justice which is "good".

  35. Bad Actions sometimes have the best intentions,and I believe that even if people do have good intentions that they may still have consequence. For example even though romeo and Juliet made bad actions and saddened their parents it still settled the fued between the Montegues and the Capulets.

  36. I agree with Tara M, sometimes a bad action can work out for the best in the long run. Even though the decsion may be bad in the short term it can still turn into a good thing in the future.

  37. I believe that bad actions usually only lead to bad results. A bad action that a person takes, should only be used if under an extremely necessary situation. If a person is not careful, too many bad actions can lead to a very bad result.

  38. I agree with Saeri. When you take a bad action, there is usually a contradicting consequence as a result. If you don't know where a bad action is going to take you, then only under rare circumstances should it be taken.

  39. i dissagree with laura, i think that if you handle sitiuation with care and you know how to handle the situation it won't end badly. there may be consequences but they dont always have to be bad. even if there are contradicting consequences, mostlikely they won't be major, and can be fixed.

  40. I agree with Kev. So called "bad actions" are only perspectives. So the consequences are just opionions as well. There are both positive and negative results from bad actions. Someone may benefit from a bad action while another may suffer.

  41. i believe that under certain circumstances, bad actions could be used for good. like if a police officer kills somebody, they aren't allowed to use force unless they have a legit reason. so maybe that person was a danger to themselves and the people around them, so they fired to keep the people safe. so in that case using a bad action for good worked, there could be many other ways also.

  42. At times you will have to do actions that wont benefit everyone.But it must be done for the greater good..Even if it is viewed as a despicable and horrible thing to have done.

  43. hi ppl

    I agree with leanna and Kev.There is always 2 sides to a story as well with how an action is looked at. Its only a matter of how you look and think about it

  44. I disagree with Friar Lawerence's statement on bad action. I don't think that good can come out of bad action because it will always have at least one negative consequence.Although, someone may benefit from bad action, someone else may suffer because of it. If someone or something is hurt because of bad action it is not producing good. Personally, i don't think good and bad coincide well together, one cannot expect something completley good to come out of something wrong or immoral. All in all, i do not think bad action should be used for good because no good actually comes out of it.

    Rebecca Manikkam Period 7

  45. I agree with Laura. Bad actions can lead to bad results. They just need to be used very minimally because its a very small percantage of the time that those bad decisions turn into good results.

  46. Bad actions really depend on what the reason is for the action. If you do something that only is helping yourself, it is selfish and it shouldn't be done. But if you do something that is considered bad, but it was for the benefit of others, it should be done. But in some cases things should just be left as it is because doing a bad action without much knowledge about what to do, could make the situation worse.

  47. I agree with Lauren and Justin because actions that people do should be for the people's common good, and that sometimes, people's intentions to do good also could lead to devestating consequences.

  48. I agree with John when he said that when "people use it for the right reasons" a bad action can be justified. Without certain "bad actions" our society would not be where it is today. One must be careful though because good intentions to one person could be percieved as bad intentions by another.

  49. i agree with megan and kev because good and bad are just points of view. the outcome is never predectable and like megan said you might end up hurting someone in the process.the outcome may come in your favor but then it might not.

  50. I think that bad actions can be used for good in some circumstances, but it will always leave a consequence in a way. I say this because for example: If a wife thinks that her husband doesn't love her anymore....she can pretend to divorce him...and resulting to the husband telling her that he loves her.....i dont hink that this is the best example, but i want to explain how bad actions can result in good, but there will always be a certain kind of consequence. I think that if the person who thinks that a "bad action" can result in a good way would absolutely perform that"bad action" because they would know that the outcome of the "bad action" would result in something better.

  51. In response to Miranda and Leanna, I don't think someone can justify actions that would normally be considered wrong by claiming that it was "for the greater good". Of course there is such a thing as self-sacrifice, (as in the case of Rosa Parks, as mentioned by Tara) which truly is for the greater good. For example, when the government tries to Americanize third world countries, claiming it is the humane or proper thing to do ("for the greater good"), they are merely trying to gain respect. All they are really doing is taking over a country and forcing a new culture upon them. The difference between Americanization and sitting on a bus is that Rosa Parks' actions, although politically incorrect, were to fix a moral flaw, whereas the government was creating a moral flaw, even though it is technically within the peramiters of the law. In sacrifice, "for the greater good" is a reason. Otherwise, it is an excuse.

  52. I do believe that a bad thing can be justified if it is in good faith. For example, say you're in school and you see a bully picking on a little kid, would you fight the bully and help the kid? I know fighting is bad, but if you do it in good faith, wouldn't it be alright? I mean, if you teach the bully what it's like to be bullied, I think the person would usually stop. I know I would.

  53. I agree with John C. I also believe if you have a good reason in mind, the "bad" would be justified under certain cercomstances. In life, there are positive and negative actions. But sometimes, you can create a positive outcome out of a negative situation. Like if someone tries to kill you and you accidentally kill them, it would be purely out of self defence and any jury would agree.

  54. Friar Lawrence's action is marrying Romeo and Juliet. although he disapproves of the marriage, he knows that it will connect the two houses and stop them from fighting. also, he is not afraid to say what he thinks to Romeo.

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. I agree with kev because bad actions can be performed for the greater good, but good or bad is only a point of view. Its a person's perspective to think weather a action is good or bad.

  57. I agree with JustinJonthejetplane in him saying that Friar Lawrence wasn't only looking for a favor from Romeo and Juliet, but also from the two families. Also, he believes that if he helps the couple get married, the two families (the Montagues and the Capulets) will have to stop fueding for the rule over the city. They would have to stop because the Montagues love Romeo and want to see him happy and the Capulets love Juliet and want her to be happy. Therefor, they would have to stop fighting so that Romeo and Juliet would be happy.

  58. I do believe that sometimes bad actions can yield to good result, but it does not happen all the time. It depends on the nature of action and the way it is carried out. For example, when people fought for women’s rights, some people thought that it was a bad decision to do so, but thanks to those bad actions, women enjoy their rights today. I believe that sometimes you have to do a bad action in order to bring justice to a given situation. Therefore, yes I think that bad actions can be used to bring good results.
    “The ends justifies the means”; this line overshadows the Friar marrying Romeo and Juliet. Even though he knows it is wrong; he believes that it might bring the two foes-like families together so that they can no longer be enemies.

  59. I agree with Ermias273 because doing a bad action might not always result the way you wanted it to be and I also agree with Laina because sometimes people do need bad actions to realize that there needs to be a positive outcome.

  60. In my opinion, a bad action can sometimes be used for one's benefit. But with these bad action's come limits, if too many bad actions occur, the situation really bad and hard to resolve. Another key point is that some one may perceive something as "bad" but another person may think of it as a good thing.

  61. I agree with tara because that was a very true example because it justifies friar lawrence's quote but also incorporates one of America's largest problems, segregation. I also agree with Laina because people perform bad actions to find a positive result.

  62. I agree with Nhu. There can sometimes be a good outcome to come out of a bad action. If someone should make that decision they should make sure that it has a valid reasoning to it. But also have good intentions. For example, to improve something or for the common good of everyone.

  63. I believe that a few bad things can't hinder a good thing. Also if you do something bad then in some way that helps someone which is a good thing. However the Friar helps Romeo and Juliet because it might bring together the 2 feuding households.


    I agree with David because sometimes a bad action ether turns out to be a good action. A bad action might also help a good action come to fruition as if you were trying to help all along.


    I think the Friar's line foreshadows the potion that he gives to Juliet to make her seem dead, because one shes dead and her family's in grief but it also brings the two families together.

  64. I believe that bad actions can result in to a good action which helps the greater good. If a bad action were to be used in a scenario it will all depend on the circumstances given. So like when Lawrence agreed to marry Juliet and Romeo he had already known that it would be a bad action but in order to make peace he realized that marrying these two, even though they are mortal enemies, might resolve the conflicts between their families. Bad actions can turn into a good action but depending on the action and how it is interpreted by others.

  65. i agree with trishank. yes, bad actions can result in a good outcome but too much of it can be really hard to recover from.

  66. I believe that you have to use vice in order to reach a positive end. In the modern world we call them "white lies." However, we need to be very conscious of how often we use vice to accomplish virtue. Many times it becomes a habit to break the rules and justify it. Therefore, in my opinion we should use good actions as much as possible. In Act 2 Scene 3 Friar Lawrence describes how if you smell the herbs it will make you feel good. However if you taste the herb it can poison you. This shows how vice and virtue sometimes comes as one. The action of Friar that foreshadows this line was when he agreed to marry Romeo and Juliet when he knew for a fact that their parents where enemies. He married them because he knew they were in love.

  67. Sometimes negative or bad actions have good results. It may even be necessary to break the law, a bad action, in order to achieve a good result. For example, if a car is at a red light and an ambulance is coming up behind and can't get throught the intersection what should the car do? The car should go throughthe red light to clear the intersection for the ambulance. The car broke the law but it was necessary to create a path for the ambulance and possibly save a life. I think it is appropriate to commit a "bad" act if the result is to assist in someones safety, but, not at the risk of someone elses safety.

  68. I agree with Eruka. Sometimes you have to break the rules and current laws in support of a good cause. However, you have to be careful in the process so that no one gets hurt.

  69. I agree with Trishank, I feel that sometime it's okay to have bad actions if it is to help someone. He also said that there is a limit for the bad actions you commit because if you continue to have bad actions the situation could sometimes only get worse.

  70. I believe bad or negative actions may have good motives, but mostly bad results. Even if those actions are meant in good, certain situations can go awry within moments, especially if there are underlying factors. For example in Romeo and Juliet the Friar agrees to marry Romeo and Juliet, but he does not do it because he believes in their love, he does it for the greater good. The friar thinks by marrying Romeo and Juliet he is demolishing the hole between the families, but really he is just making it wider.

  71. I agree with Kev when he says that good and bad choices are just points of view. I think this is true because not everyone has the same idea of whats good and whats bad because everyone thinks differently. All kinds of factors can influence a persons view on whats good and bad however, everyone has a conscience, which causes us to agree more on right choices and wrong choices.

    Rebecca Manikkam period 7

  72. Though, I do agree with Kev when he said the definitions of good and bad are in the eye of the beholder. Saying actions can be justified either way. I also agree with his philosophy where he would not risk something turning out bad.

  73. I personally think that its your reason behind doing something determines wether its a "bad" or "good" action. I mean, while doing something thats already percieved as bad is so for a reason (like someone stealing some clothes because they don't feel like paying for them), there are many instances where something that would normally be considered bad is used for good purposes (like someone stealing clothes because they're a homeless orphan who's too young to work and really needs them). Not the best example, I know, but the point is pretty obvious.There are even some movies where someone is being killed by a supposedly outstanding member of society, but its suddenly justifiable to the audience despite murder being an obvious wrong; because the victum had done something horrible in his past and is still a horrible person, it suddenly makes his murder ok, even cheered on by the audience in some cases. The lines between what makes a good action and a bad action are determined by the resons behind what was done.
    In other words, yes, I agree with Friar L.

  74. I disagree with Laura. While most "bad" choices/actions do lead to worst situations, some have led to enhancing the greater good. Dr.Marin Luther King Jr.'s actions weren't initially percieved by many people as a good thing, only as a man trying to stir up trouble. However, as can be seen to day, his descisions to do the things that he did helped blacks gain more civil rights and break the color barrier.

  75. I don't completely agree with Friar Lawrence's statement that "vice sometimes by action dignified." First of all, what is right and wrong may differ for everyone. Also, I believe even actions with the best intentions almost always go wrong. In almost every circumstance, a bad action that yields good results for someone may yield bad results for someone else. It also depends on the situation, the time period, and the location; something that is claimed to be "wrong" in another country or in the past may not be what the majority of the people believe is "wrong" today in America.
    This line foreshadows the Friar Lawrence's view of his action of marrying Romeo and Juliet. At the time, he knew it was a bad decision, but he believed it would end the feud between the two families.

  76. I Do think that bad actions can be used for good. But not all people will see the good that may come from these actions. Take Batman for example, at some points in time he was looked down on, people thought that he was being bad and that he should go away. However, in the long run, batman saved alot of people.

  77. I agree with Rebecca when she says that "One cannot expect something completley good to come out of something wrong or immoral." This is very true. But, of course, not in all situations. So, I also agree with Eruka when she says "It depends on the nature of action and the way it is carried out." There may be cases where a bad choice has positive consequences, but this is pretty rare. Usually, bad decisions have bad results.

  78. I agree with John C. As long as the person who is doing wrong only wishes to bring good, then it is ok.

  79. I think it depends on what the action is. If you are doing this bad action for the greater good than it might help out in the long run when its time to make your final decision. You might end up hurting yourself or others in the process of making this decision. But if the outcome turns out to be good than the bad acton was a good choice. Like i said i think it all depends on the outcome of the situation to know weither or not your bad action was used for good.

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. I agree with Eruka when she says "sometimes you have to do a bad action in order to bring justice to a given situation". For women's rights, like she said, people had to do some "bad actions" but they were done in order to bring justice to women. If the "bad actions" weren't done than I would have never had the rights I have today.

  82. I agree with bria disagreeing with laura. She said that while most "bad" choicesdo lead to worst situations, some have led to the greater good. Meaning it depends on what theoutcome of the situation is.

  83. I never believe that vice should be used for good. If good is to be attained, there is always a right way to get it. For example, if the law is unjust, then the law should be changed. The end never justifies the means.

  84. I believe that vice can be used for good. If the end result is positive, then the action is justified. There is always a special case for doing a bad action. For example, murder is a horrible, gruesome act. If murder is used in self-defense, it is obviously justified. There is always a condition that change a bad action into a good one.

  85. I agree with megan when she said that every action comes with a consequence and sometimes you get surprised with the outcome. I believe that this will eventually happen to Friar Lawerence. People whovyou never expect to be hurt end up becoming victims to your immoral actions.

  86. Vice, in unique circumstances, can result in a good outcome based on someone's opinion. To one person someone's action might seem wrong and immoral but to another it could be the justified thing to do for a good cause even if it might be a "bad action." Although, if bad actions are used repeatedly they could end up having bad consequences. Bad actions should only be used when there is a good motive and in the long run there might be a good outcome.

  87. I agree with Shalom. Bad actions arent always meant to be done in a selfish way but can be used for the common good. It just depends on what the action is and what the outcomes of the action is.

  88. I think the idea of "in special circumstances, be used for good" because it is very true. Everyone thinks differently and may take an idea or opinion in different views, good or bad. Bad actions in some cases can be good, a good long term outcome, or a benefit to others. Like Nicole's comment, I agree with "Bad actions should only be used when there is a good motive, etc", but also they can be used when the person feels it is right and is for the better. I think Frair Lawrence is foreshadowing that a character in Romeo and Juliet will make a somewhat bad choice in options, but come out to be a good thing for an indivisual or everyone.

  89. I think Leanna made a good point. If someone does a "bad action" with good intentions it does not have to benefit that person, it could be for the good of someone else. Like Leanna said, Rosa Parks is a great example. She risked her life by doing something many people thought was unjust by sitting with white people on the bus. She boycotted to end segregation for people in the future. She did this "bad action" for the greater good of everyone.

  90. I believe that the friar is right. The end can sometimes justify the means. Good and bad are relative words, they are based on perception, what I find good you might find bad. I believe that as long as you are getting an end result that benefits the majority of the people, the action can be considered good, no matter how you got there.

  91. I disagree with Rebecca Manikkam. You say that no good can come out of a bad action. You have to look at from different perspectives. One example would be: let's say there was a tyrannous dictator. If I assassinated him would it be bad? Killing is generally regarded as bad, but the populous of the country would look upon as a good thing. While I may have not done a moral act, it would be for the common good.

  92. I agree with the statement made by Friar Lawrence. As long as the bad actions don't overshadow the good ending, they are justified. Like when Friar says this he is talking about betrothing Romeo and Juliet, which he believes to be wrong because of the anger between the two houses, but he believes it will do good towards uniting the houses in the end. I agree with what Kev said about there not being necessarily good or bad actions. It all depends upon the point of view and the consequenses of each action. In Friar Lawrence's mind, the consequences of betrothing the people of the warring houses were worth the uniting of the two houses, so he agreed to marry them for a "good" end.

  93. I agree with Trishank because even though bad actions may occur and be perceived as bad but as long as it is viewed as a good action it will be classified as a good action. Also it is true that with more bad actions taken it will be harder to resolve them and there will be a less chance of finding a solution

  94. I definitely agree with Friar Lawrence. It all depends if the harmful event doesn't posses the joyful conclusion, then they are justified. Both good and bad are recognized through opinion and behavior. Bad can be seen through good, and good can be seen through bad. Just as long as the end result is good, therefor, everything is good. Similar to the Batman and Joker!

  95. I disagree with Nichole. When taking a high risk for yourself that could have a positive impact on not only yourself, but others(good), then dealing with the consequences(bad), its not always going to be a negative thing because you know personally that you did a great thing and you should feel prideful, not shameful.

  96. It is certainly true that bad actions can be used for good. However, because the fact that good and bad are points of view rather than fact, the line between the two rather vague. A good action would be defined by most as one morally correct by standards generally accepted by the majority of people in the world - it costs little to others, perserves lives, abstains from sinning, etc. On the other hand, a bad action would be the opposite. Thus, in order for a bad action to be used for a good cause, all the opinions and points of views of those who would otherwise benefit or be hurt by these means must be weighed into account, and there is no such thing as a purely bad action for a purely good cause.

  97. I agree with Kenny, because the fact that good and bad is an opinion really makes a lot of "special circumstances" that cause more benefit than harm.

  98. Yes, bad actions can be used for good. It was considered a "bad action" to some that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his "I Have A Dream" speech. Even though it was considered a "bad action", it still had good intentions. Even though this was successful, most bad actions with good intentions will not be.

  99. i think this idea is dumb.. either way the action is bad and will have a bad outcome so i don't agree with him

  100. I agree with Akshay, it's all about how you interpret the action. If you think something may be a good action, others might interpret it as a bad action. You just have to look at the greater good and think about the consequences that may come with the action.

  101. I agree with Anh and Askshay. It is how once interprets the actions. Sometimes people get carried away or overwhelmed by the situation and may do actions out of inpolshian causing the outcomes to be fatal or just not how they should be. But in some cases when thier isnt any mistakes that could happen then yeah, one could take the actions into thier own hands and possibly have a good and maybe better outcome than someone who would just do it out of impolsion.

  102. I think at times things that seem to be bad can turn out very good in the end. They may jus seem like bad actions at the time. For example, Rosiland breaking Romeo's heart and regetting him might have seem like a bad thing at the time. However without this "action" Romeo would have never became serious about Juliet.

  103. I agree with Andrew. Something can be good on bad depending on someone's perpective. Actions are interpected differently for different people

  104. I agree with Andrew He, there is no certain definition of "good" or "bad". It all depends on how the actions are viewed. There is no ultimate good choice or ultimate bad choice, society influences the view on each.

  105. Bad things can turn out good in the end, but there are also bad things that will turn out bad too (especially since this is the real world and not a scripted play). Civil disobedience is an example of that because breaking a law is considered bad, but in the cases of civil disobedience, it usually results in good.

  106. I agree with Josh, however, I see what Rebecca was saying becuase there will always be some sort of negative consequece with a bad action.

  107. Bad actions will always result in atleast one bad consequence however, the question being "Can bad actions be used for good? If they can be, should they be?" the answer is yes, bad actions CAN be used for good if and when the bad action results in someone realizing wrong from right and learning from this decision, or simply learning from the consequence by comitting this bad action. While bad and good are opposites they, in some cases, should be used together to define a changing moment. A bad action can result in positivity.

  108. I disagree with Rebecca because good and bad "coincide" with eachother in many ways. for example if we didnt know what a bad action was we couldn't truthfully identify a good one. Furthermore, to conclude that "no good actually comes out of it" is contradicting every positive result that comes out of one bad action. For example, like Asia said if a poloce officer shot a man that threatened the lives of many is it right to say he didn't save these people's lives? While this doesn't justify the fact that the police officer shot a man, he still saved the lives of many and protected them from danger which in the end is "good".

  109. I believe bad actions can be used for good, but usually end up having some sort of consequence that effects someone. A bad action might be good for someone else who doesnt view it as a bad action

  110. In special circumstances , bad actions CAN be used for good . Sometimes you have to give the opposing team a dose of their own medicine in order for them to understand the consequences of their action . This should be idea should be used for an understanding for both parties .

  111. i agree with Lawrence . "bad actions can be used for good, but usually end up having some sort of consequence that effects someone." although this is true the consequences that effect someone would be good , i believe .

  112. I completely agree with Friar Lawrence, bad actions can and alot of the time do come with the best of intentions. Like how Friar Lawrence married Romeo and Juliet to each other. He knew it wasn't the smartest choice available, but he did it for his best friend, Romeo. He knew the consequences he could face if anyone found out, but he still did it, with the best of intentions.
