Friday, January 29, 2010
The Perfect Mate
This is your first blog assignment. This week, please use this space to discuss the results of "The Perfect Mate" assignment. Were the qualities of the perfect mate that your parents specified the same as those you identified? Or were your ideas about the perfect mate totally different from those of your parents?
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ReplyDeleteThis assignment proved to me that my parents' expectations of my future husband are not far off from my own. She realizes what would be good for me, which includes several of the qualities that I listed in addition to others that I may not have recognized as important before. Looking at her list of qualities versus what I expected she might say, I realized that she understands me much better than I give her credit for.
ReplyDeleteMy ideas of a perfect mate were not very different from my mom, but mostly my ideas agreed or were similar to that of my parents. One example was where I said that she should have a sense of humor and my mom wrote the same down.
ReplyDeleteOverall it was about 75% the same between my mom and I.
P.S. My dad didn't do it cause he said he ain't no or eharmony.
I found out that me and my parents had very similar expectations but not all the same. There were some that surpised me and others i knew before we even started on the project. I learned a lot of what my parents want for me and I agreed with everything that they wrote in the end.
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts and my parents thoughts were similar which showed how much we think alike. It was surprising that the values that I learned from them were expressed on both sides the paper. I finally realized that my parents and I had much more in common. I was also surprised that they knew me so well, unlike my other friends' parents. Some of the answers my parents put down though made me think because I wouldn't know if I wanted that. This was a learning experience for both my parents and I.
ReplyDeleteMy mom and I had similar ideas about what my perfect mate would be like. She was a bit surprised about the stuff I had written, but she said that they were pretty good qualities fot a perfect mate. I found out my mom and I had a lot of things in common when looking for my perfect mate, and we got to find out more of the things we didn't know about each other before.
ReplyDeleteMy parents and I had some of the same traits for the perfect mate. Although there were more differences than similarities. In the section where my parents were to predict my perfect mate, they basically predicted the same qualities as the ones on their list.
ReplyDeleteMy parents and I basically had the same ideas of my perfect mate. It was actually very surprising that my mom would think the same way as me because of the way she communicates with me. Our ideas of this "perfect mate" are all based on one subject and the qualities of this mate are very similar.
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ReplyDeleteMy mom and I had both similarities and differences in our idea for the perfect mate. My mom was more specific in her description than I was. Some traits that both my mom and I put were funny and smart.
ReplyDeleteMy mom's idea of my perfect mate, though very general, was about the same as mine. We both believed physical traits and personality traits are equally important. I learned that my mom just wants me to end up with someone who will love and care for me.
ReplyDeleteMy mom and I are very close, therefore I could easily predict exactly what she would say for her part of this assignment. My mom and I both wrote funny, talkative, quick-witted, and creative. This assignment also highlighted some differences between my mom and I. While I tend to be very detailed and could go on for hours about something little, my mom is very short and to the point. Therefore my side of the paper was filled with small scribbles and no extra space, my mom's side consisted of three bullets. See, there I go again with the details! Anyways, I really enjoyed this assignment!
ReplyDeleteWhen comparing my parent's list of characteristics for my perfect mate and my list, I was actually very surprised of what they wrote. Before the assignment I thought that they would write details of what they wanted my perfect mate would be and not include me in there thinking. But after reading their list I saw that they we're thinking about me and wanted the best for me and not for them.
ReplyDeleteWhen I compared my parent's list of physical features and attributes, I found that we both shared some common traits like: must be smart and nice. This was very suprising to me because I thought all this time, my parents had a different outlook on my mate. Apparently not.
ReplyDeleteSimilar to Laina, my dad and I both had very similar characteristics of my perfect mate, knowing my dad, his "words of wisdom" was what I had expected, saying physical looks aren't all the 100% deal, there's much more to a mate than that. Anyways, I think this was a good way to find out what your parents think about you and what you would look for in the future, but I had a fun time doing this. Yum.
ReplyDeleteMy mom and I had basically the same ideas about my perfect mate. I did realize that her list was longer than mine because as a 9th grader, I haven't really thought about my perfect mate in that much detail. When we were talking about the lists after we had filled them out, I did think of more things that I could have added. This activity was a good learning experience for my mom and me.
ReplyDeleteI discovered that me and my parents did not have too many specifications for physical qualities and for the most part agreed with each others responses. Rather we had more personal standards. Though funny to see, this activity was not a suprise as to what my parents think a "perfect mate" for me is.
ReplyDeleteI discovered that me and my mom's perspective of a perfect mate was fairly similar but at the same time different. My mom said that all I look for in a girl was just the personality and it was traits such as responsible, truthful, caring, and loving. Me on the other hand wrote these traits down as important too, but to me the personality isn't all I look for in a girl I also look for the physical appearances but overall like most people have already said my mom only wants the best for me.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Laina and Kenny. I think that the personality of someone should be equally as important as the physical looks of someone. I think that when someone has a good heart it should not matter their background or looks, its whats inside thatr counts. So i do agree with them both:)
ReplyDeletep.s. Kenny whats with the yum at the end?
From this assigment I actually found out that my parents are much more understanding than I thought. Most of the time I would think that my parents are very controlling, but in finding my perfect mate controlling is deffinalty not the case xD All they want is simply someone that I love and approve of. I have good parents afterall..... 0( ^ _ ^ )o
ReplyDeletekev's discoveries was about the same as mine because my mom wasn't too concerned on physical features but more on personality and morality of the perfect mate.
ReplyDeleteMy mom and I had about 50% of the same thing. Most of her ideas were based on beauty and education. My ideas on the other hand were also based on beauty and education but they also included athleticism and humor.she believed that beauty and education were dominant charateristics.
ReplyDeleteI am very close to my parents and this assignment proves it to me even more. My parents thought my "perfect mate" would be someone quite like me, a well-rounded person. We both chose a person that is intelligent, athletic, artistic, cute, and fun to be around as well as someone who cares for and loves me deeply. It is good to know that they will approve my decision because they want what is best for me.
ReplyDeleteAfter seeing what my mom had written for what she wanted in my future mate, I realized we shared the same basic ideas. She pretty much knew what I wanted in a guy and her prediction of the ideas I wrote down were mostly accurate. I was unrealistically specific in what I wanted in a guy just because I was describing the "perfect" mate. My mom had fewer ideas but they were generalized version of my stuff. :]
ReplyDeleteMy ideas on my perfect mate and my mom's ideas on my perfect mate were very similar. This was not suprising because my mom and i are very close and have always thought alike. We both had the same ideas on my prefect mate's personality and physical traits.We both thought that physical and personality traits are important but, my perfect mate should also have the same values and beliefs as me.All in all, this assignment showed me another way that me and my mom are alike.
ReplyDeleteRebecca Manikkam pd7
My dad's opinion as to what he thought my idea of a perfect mate was surprised me, as it showed me the way he sees my tastes, and thus my personality. His thoughts were slightly contrary to mines - however, now I have some basic insight as to the kind of kid my father thinks I am. This assignment helped me learn some things my father is thinking that he generally keeps to himself.
ReplyDeleteMy dad's opinion was surprisingly accurate. He pretty much hit the spot as far as my interest go. Obviously they were worded a bit more old fasion, but still meant the same.
ReplyDeleteWhile completing this assignment, I noticed my mom's emphasis on education and a good background, thus exemplifying her intellectual standards. However, although I included smart and polite as characteristics, I focused more on laid back traits. Clearly, "The Perfect Mate" demonstrated the difference between my mom's expectations and mine.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Saeri because if someone thinks someone is nice but they aren't physically attracted to them then they are more of a friend, not a mate. However, what really matters is if they care about you and love you. Therefore, a good personality and physical appearance is important in finding "The perfect mate".
ReplyDeleteMy parents and I shared similar ideas about a perfect mate. Both my parents and I place a stong emphasis on intelligence in a perfect mate. My parents and I also want someone for me who is caring. However, my parents thought that physical appearance is not as important. I disagree with this idea because a certain level of physical attraction has been shown in studies to help relationships. While our ideas about a perfect mate are similar, my parents and I have a few key differences.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Megan. At first i thought my mom would not put anything down that I would have and she wouldn't take my personality and preferences into account. Once I read what she wrote I realized she really thought about what she put down and what would be good for me and what I would prefer. I realized that my mom understands me more than I thought.
ReplyDeleteThis assignment an real eye opener to the fact that my mother understands me on a higher level than I expected. Although my mother was more focused on future goals than me we both agreed on intelligence, respect and a well rounded person. After completing this assignment I realized my overall expectations of my mom's idea of my perfect mate were wrong. She knows a lot more about me than I thought.
ReplyDeleteI agree with John, It was easier for my parent to fill in their side of the paper because I have never thought about my idea of the perfect mate. I had to think about the assignment while my mother immediately scribbled down her answers.
ReplyDeleteWhen looking at the outcome of this assignment, my mom and I agreed on mostly everything and thought of the same things. We are very close so we have similar ideas on the "perfect mate". We agreed on what character traits were important and the physical appearance of the perfect mate. Some of the things she wrote I hadn't thought of before because this is so far in the future, e.g. being financially responsible.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Ermoulton. My mom also knew what was good for me. She knows that I LOVE to talk so she put down good listener :). She also knew that I LOVE to laugh so she put down funny. And it ended up being the same trait that I wrote.
ReplyDeleteMy opinion and my dad's opinion of my perfect mate were pretty similar. I knew everything that he wanted for my perfect mate and he knew most of what i wrote. We are very close, and open with each other, so we agreed on all the basic points. I realized that he knows me very well, and that he just wants me to be happy. I believe that this assignment was very useful in understanding each other's point of view and opinions.
ReplyDeleteMy mom and I agreed on most character traits of the "perfect mate". We both agreed that he should be intellectual and have a sense of humor. She put a bit more emphasis on him having a steady, well-paying job than I did, but that was because she wanted to make sure I would be well-off. Overall, we both had a similar idea of what my "perfect mate" would be.
ReplyDeleteI think that physical appearances shouldn't be the only reason for a relationship. Of course, you should be attracted on some level to your future mate, but there should be other factors as well e.g. same values, non-clashing personalities.
ReplyDeleteTo everyone who said that their parents are accurate to themselves, I disagree with the idea that your parents are accurate to your ideas and know what you want. I do not think that the parents neccesarily tried to pick someone who would be good for the child but rather someone who they would want for the child. Children learn their values and what they find important from their parents which would explain the accuracy if parents chose someone who they want.
ReplyDeleteFrom this assignment I learned that my parents look for the same type of guy I'm looking for. And judging from other comments I'm not the only one. I guess back during the time of Romeo and Juliet parents didn't care what their children wanted in a mate. Alothough that was kind of obvious considering that the parents didn't raise their children but had nurses do that job for them. In this century that's probably not the case.
ReplyDeleteI agree with his comment because my mom said old fashioned comments like has a nice smile and is a family kind of person.
My opinions of a perfect mate was similar to Rachel D and Navitita's. My mom and I had similar ideas for a perfect mate for me and we wrote pretty much the same things.
ReplyDeleteI too agree with Laina. My mom and I are also very close so it was easy to pick the same qualities and traits for my perfect mate. On the other hand, I had trouble thinking about qualities for my perfect mate and my mom had an easy time picking the traits.
ReplyDeleteMy moms idea of a perfect mate and mines were basiclly the same. We don't agree on much, but this is one subject we surpisingly did. we both believed in the important main things , like respectful , honest and funny.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Macintoth. the way me and my mothher agreed on things was about 75%. My mother had more higher exspectations than i did. My mother added the fact that she wanted him to be christian for instance. or the way she wanted him to be a hardworker.
ReplyDeleteMy ideas and my moms ideas were pretty close. my mom had higher expectations. but we both wanted my perfect mate too be smart and polite. I also wanted her to be funny and my mom later agreed with me.
ReplyDeleteBy: jordan mervis
i agree with Nhu my parents and i both had similar thoughts. i was very suprised at how well my mom knows me what i like.
ReplyDeleteI have to agree with Laina and John. My dad and I are super close; he and I had very similar lists (even if some of the things I put were apparently very specific). Parents just take into consideration what their kids want. We are also reflect our parents in almost everything we do. I suppose that maybe what we, the kids want as a perfect mate was what our parents wanted too.
ReplyDeleteMy mom and I had very similar lists. We both wanted my perfect mate to be kind, courteous, understanding, and fun-loving. It was a nice surprise to find out we both had similar thoughts about my perfect mate.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Megan. Before the assignment, I didn't think my parents would really understand what I was looking for in my perfect mate. But I was proved wrong~ it turns out my parents understood me more than I thought.
ReplyDeleteAdding on to what Andrew He said, my parents told me specific qualitics of my "perfect mate" that they would not usually talk about. I learned more about my parents' views on what they want for me. I also now have a greater understanding of where my parents are coming from.
ReplyDeleteI agree with what jennie14queean said because before this assignment I too thought that me and my parents vision for my perfect mate would be completely different. But after i saw what she wrote down and what i wrote down she like completely understood what I was looking for. So I have joined the same boat as jennie14queen.
ReplyDeleteI was suprised with what my father thought to be my perfect mate. My dad and I are not very close so I believed he would write different things, but his ideas were pretty close to what I thought would be good. This project showed me that although my parents may not be my friends, they still know what is best for me. (:
ReplyDeleteI agree with laina's response because i too had a pretty good idea of what my mom was going to write on the paper. Though like many people i had a few key differences between requirements. This assignment was fun because it was insightful into a side of my peers that i usually do not see during the school day.
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ReplyDeleteI agree with Nivetita's statement that this assignment helped us realize that our parents know us well and just want us to be happy and that it also helped us understand our parents point of view. Looking back at all the different traits and qualities that my mom wrote down, although they were not ideal, they were traits that would benefit the relationship between me and my mate in the future. this assignment also helped me realize that my mom didn't want me to let go of our culture and beliefs.Therefore, I too agree with her response because i knew that my mom wanted what was best for me and wanted me to be happy.
ReplyDeleteI think Rebecca's comments were completely true. My parents and I both believe my mate should believe in the same things that I do. Culture and values are very important and I agree that we shouldn't let go of them completely. This assignment did help me understand some more things that me and my parents have in common. Also, I agree with the fact that my parents always put my views and opinions first, and just want me to have a good life.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Justin's and Nhu's comments because before this assignment I also thought that my parents and I would have listed totally different ideal traits. I would have never known that we would both have the same idea for a perfect mate for me. This assignment has now given me proof that my parents know me well.
ReplyDeleteI think John had a good point. As young 9th graders we do not really know what we want quite yet. We haven't really thought deeply about our future plans. This assignment let us start to think about the subject of our "perfect mate" with the guidance of our parents. Our parents are older and wiser and might know a thing or two about love.
ReplyDeleteWhen my mom fisrt saw the 'Perfect Mate' assignment she was confused. As I told her is had to do with 'Romeo & Juliet' she understood. After we both finished our sides we saw we had similar tastes. I was glad to see that she didnt write anything superficial.:)
ReplyDeleteI agree with Asia. Normally me and my mom uwd have dicussions over things, but after this assgnment we didnt, which was surprising to me.
ReplyDeleteFisrt i filled out my side of the "Perfect Mate" and then my dad filled out his side. To my surprise our traits and personalties that would be the perfect for me would were almost exactly identical.
ReplyDeleteMy mother was the one to fill out the sheet, and her results were fairly similar to mine. She identified the woman more as having good traits, attractiveness, and good values. I agreed with a lot of what she said but I was more on the attractive side along with humor.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Jenn's comment, at first i thought that my mother would write something totally differnt than what i would have put down on my list. My mom probably does know me a lot better than what i thought she did
ReplyDeleteI didn't think my mom's comments would be as close to mine as they are. Unbelievable!
ReplyDeleteI agree with brendan, my mom wants a lot i do, but some of mine are different.
ReplyDeleteMy parents and I almost had the same qualities for the perfect man. I found this assignment to be very enlightening. My mom and I are very close and I realized that she understands what I want in a man. I thought she expected different qualities in a man. It turned out that we both look for the same qualities such as a kind and loving mate.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Kenny. Personality should be far more important than looks. You should be with someone that you enjoy spending time with. Although, good looks matters to me in a mate also.
ReplyDeleteMy parents and I had the same ideas as far as the qualities for a perfect man. I discovered that my mom understands what i want to in a mate however she does have some differnet ideas than i did.For the most part we have the same basic idea in what we look for in a man.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Asia because most times my parents and I disagree, that is why when I compared both of the sides I was suprised. It was suprisisng because I didnt think that my mom was going to think about the same traits I would.
ReplyDeleteThe qualities of the perfect mate that my mom specified were, for the most part, the same as those I identified.I was actually pleasantly suprised that my mom and I agree on the perfect mate for me. I think this is because my mom and I are close so I have learn to think like my mom.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Ermoulton when she said that our parents listed qualities in addition to others that I may not have recognized as important before. My mom said that I should find someone who is religious or spiritual. After she told me that I realized that quality is very important to me.
ReplyDeleteMany students have been agreeing with Kenny, saying that physical looks should not be "the 100% deal" to use his words exactly. To me, this idea is obvious. I was suprised to find out that most everyone said this, but also happy to find we have very thoughtful, well-rounded students who don't have low personalities (not that ever thought any of you did!) Also, Katlyn Easter and I had the same sort of thing happen. While we were mre specific, our parents wrote more "basic and generalized versions" of our responses. Who ever sad details were a bad thing? C=
ReplyDeleteLike everyone has said, they where suprized to find what their parents had to say. Likewise I was suprised too. But to me does it even matter what my parents think or want? True, your parents should approve of your ideal mate but in reality are we really going to go by our parent's perspective in finding a mate? I think your pesonal choice is far more important than your parents'.
ReplyDeleteDuring this assignment I have realized my parents and I both have most of the same ideas for my ideal mate. We both had agreed that looks wouldn't be a bad thing but it was more important to have a good personality, and a guy who treats me well.I wasn't suprised that our answers were similar because I want the best for myself and they do as well.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Julie in the sense of surprise, but because of a different reason. I was surprised that our views were so different, while she was surprised that theirs were so similar.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Kev. Neither my mom nor I really care about physical traits.
ReplyDeleteMy parent's views on my perfect mate were very different from mine. It did surprise me on how much my dad didn't know the kind of person I would describe as my perfect mate. I do think that he didn't take the assignment very seriously because he was focused more on "looks of Brad Pitt" and the "paycheck of a quarterback." I was dissapointed that he used more physical features than personal traits.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading all of these comments I have come to the conclusion that my dad is a terrible person. Even though we are extremely close and I know he was just kidding when he wrote on his side he did squeese in how my mate should take care of me in my times of need. I agree with Stephany F. and how she said that being superficial isn't what she would want in a mate, alike to me.
ReplyDeleteWhen I saw my dad's response and compared them to mine, they were very different. My dad tended to describe his idea of my perfect mate with physical traits, whereas I thought that personality was more important.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Lorena. When you spend time with your parents, you begin to learn from them. If you spend a lot of time with your mom, then you are most likely to have the same idea of a perfect mate.
ReplyDeleteMy parents and I both had a very similar idea of a perfect mate. The description of the perfect mate by my parents and the description of the perfect mate by me were fairly alike in personality and looks. We both agreed on how a personality of a person was just as important as the looks. I guess parents and their children are fairly alike when it comes to choosing a mate.
ReplyDeleteI agree with what Trishank said about in his comment. I also thought that my parents had a completely different perspective about a perfect mate, but in conclusion we ended up being very similar
ReplyDeleteMy parents knew how much i want to be very educated so they put down a intellectual and a smart person for me.It suprised me though when they put down a funny person, because i thought that they would pick a very serious boring person.Throughout the whole discussion, i found out that my parents idea for a perfect mate for me, wasnt as horrible as i thought.
ReplyDeleteI agree with David Lee.I agree with him because, in the beginning i also thought my parents would have a very very different thought for my perfect mate.But, like i said, towards the end,our two perspectives ended up becoming very very similar.
ReplyDeleteMy mom and I were pretty close in out discriptions. Although my mom focused more on the personality traits while I focused more on physical traits. We had some of the same personality traits though like she had to be funny. Also my mom and I agreed that the girl had to have the same belief's.
ReplyDeleteI agree with what David Lee said that parents and kids think the same thing about "the perfect mate". I think parents and kids think the same thing because we have known eachother long enough to know what the other looks for in their perfect mate.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Saeri and Alli. Physical attraction is important in a relationship-it is what ignites the fire. However, a relationship based soley on looks will not last, as with the afformentioned fire, which needs fuel to burn. For example, a couple should be able to carry on an intellectual convorsation with one another. They should have similar interests and understand eachothers dreams. Looks do matter in a relationship, but love cannot form from momentary satisfaction.
ReplyDeleteComparing mine and my mom's views on "my perfect mate" they are almost exactly the same excepts she goes futher into detail, but agrees with me the she neeeds to be smart, respectful, well mannered, race doesnt matter,needs to be pretty, and have a good personality and active, she neeeds to play sports, can't be lazy! This assignment allowed me to see who my mom thought was right for me.
ReplyDeleteI highly disagree with everyone and anyone who says personality over looks or looks over personality, there needs to be an even and good amount of each, becuase everyone wants to be with some one good looking as well as some one with a good personality one can not over take the other.
I agree with Kenny's statement. A perfect mate should be more then their physical traits. It should highly be based on their personality traits. As many people say, don't judge a book by it's cover.
ReplyDeleteMy Mom and I had very similar ideas of what "my perfect mate" should be. We both put down very general traits such as pretty, funny, and intelligent. However, I ended up narrowing it down a bit more by saying that my mate would need to enjoy music, agree with me politically, and like good food!
ReplyDeleteMy parents thoughts were very similar to my own. I didn't think that we would have the same general ideas. However we both put down traits such as loving and caring. I guess that parents instill traits of the perfect mate into their children without their children even knowing it.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Trishank's statement. I was also very shocked to see that my parents had put the same traits as me. I did think that we would have similarities, but very few. It turns out that our traits were very much alike.
ReplyDeleteMy Dad and I Surprisingly agree on what a "perfect mate" would be like. I was surprised to see how similar some of our traits were. We both agreed on traits such as someone that is the same height, has a sense of humor, and is trustworthy. We both believe that a perfect mate for me would be someone that is just like me.
ReplyDeleteWell my parents and I are basically on the same page. It took me a while to make the list becuase I had never really thought about it before. My dads list was really short : family oriented, people person and funny
ReplyDeletemy moms list was a little longer and had the same things. All in all, if I get married my husband and my family should get along since we have the same wants.
I agree with miranda. i was suprised by a few things, but it was pretty much the same list
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ReplyDeleteI agree with Anh's statement. My dad and i had very similar ideas on what a "perfect mate" should be. Also somehow maybe children inherit their parent view on a perfect mate, like Anh said. I was also surprised to see how similar my response was to my dad's response.
ReplyDeleteMy idea of a perfect mate was simular to my parents idea. This took me awhile to do because i never really thought of it before. Once both me and my parents were done with filling out the paper, i saw that ours we're very much the same. It did'nt really shock me but it did make me feel alot better to see that me and my parents we're on the same page about who they want me to be with as for myself.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Arnelley-nelly's statement. My parents had very simular ideas. I never thought about it and I dont think my parents did either. My parents idea were short to. We all have the same ideas and all around if we get married, my parents will like him as much as I do, I believe.
ReplyDeleteI agree with what Anh said. My parents and I had about the same idea of a perfect mate. I guess the way our parents brought us up influenced our own idea of what the perfect mate would be. Our parents taught us what triats were good and what traits weren't, and this is what we refer to when thinking of a perfect mate.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Megan in the sense that parents' perspectives of the perfect mate does not matter. If your family truly loves you then they will be happy with whoever you choose to marry. Parents want their children to have someone important in life, and as long as the mate is not ridiculously repulsive, then I believe family will support that decision.
ReplyDeletewell my parents idea of a perfect girl are very similar to mine. We all agree that she needs to be pretty, smart, and all out interesting. Its kinda weird me and my parents have the same idea cause we mostly disagree.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Daniel T. my dad didn't really care so it was mostly my moms ideas.
ReplyDeleteMe and Parents ideas were similar, we agreed on that it needs to be someone you can talk too and that your attracted too and someone who has numerous good traits
ReplyDeleteBoth my parents and i had similar ideals toward the perfect mate for me. We had agreed on most terms and therefore I believe whatever my parents say is what they think is best for me. I feel as though this task has made me and my parents realize that we have a lot more in common then we had imagined.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Kenny because even though we most of the time judge who we like based on looks we also need to focus on character traits that fit our personalities as well.
ReplyDeleteI agree with josh, I feel that someone needs to be funny and inteligent
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ReplyDeleteI believe the perfect mate is someone who can be my best friend before anything. The perfect mate is someone who can share you beliefs and interests. I was not surprised that my parents had the same answer as me, because we both believe a succesful marriage is not only love but having things in common.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Emma; our parents do understand us much better than we think. Them raising us is practically an open book given to them on how we think and how we feel. Our parents might know us more than anything and we might not even know it.
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ReplyDeleteMy ideas on a perfect mate werent too far from what my parents would want in a mate for me. My parents wanted someone who was well educated, Indian.... of course and some one who could take care of me. For me a perfect mate would be someone who was caring and kind and would put me first in anyhting
i Agree with what shalom said.... i also thought my parents were going to pick some one boring and un-intreesting but they acutally said the same things i did
i agree with aatessa. i really had no idea that me and my mom would basically have the same idea of the perfect mate. This activity brought me closer to my mom.
ReplyDeleteSo either my mom look at what I wrote first or we have very similar idea of the "perfect mate". We had similar thoughts about physical traits and personality. Also we agreed that physical traits shouldn't matter that much if you both really love and care about each other.
ReplyDeleteMy idea of a perfect mate differed a little bit from my mom's idea of a perfect mate. We wrote similar things about physical and personality traits. But we both agreed that personality is more important.
ReplyDeleteMonday, February 1, 2010
ReplyDeletePerfect Mate
The perfect mate assignment was very awkward for me to give to my parents because I come from a different cultural background, where the girls are not allowed to speak about their mate. Fortunately, my parents are not like the other people in my country. Surprisingly they had the same interests and likes as I had for the perfect mate. I thought that my parents would choose somebody from my country but they said I could choose a mate from any different cultural background, as long as the mate I choose truly loves me with all his heart.
Posted by Eruka at 3:49 PM
Labels: perfect mate
my parents and i's responses were pretty similar
ReplyDeleteActually it surprised me that my parents would say the things they did. It was very unexspected because I had know idea they knew so much about me and what bugs me and what i liked. Except they were still a little off. I think its because I'm such an open minded person and i except just about everything and anything. I dont judge a book by its cover. And i think thats how most people should be.
ReplyDeleteI actually found this assignment really interesting after I read what my parents wrote. To be honest what I wrote for what I thought my parents might want was kind of unfaithful to my parents. (I don't know if i used the right word just then) But me and my parents had pretty similar ideas. It really surprised me, we agreed on more than half of the ideas, when before the assignment I thought we would barely agree on anything.
ReplyDeleteThe "Perfect Mate" assignment actually suprised me because it turned out that my mother knew more about me than I thought. To my suprise I also learned that my mother want more to a guy for me than i exspected.I was amazed that our lists were actually quite similar.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Saeri and Aatessa this assignment brought me closer to my mom as well. I too, was shocked by the similarity of our responses.
ReplyDeleteThe "Perfect Match" assignment suprised me because me and my mom had similar views and and agreed with eachother. It caused us to talk about my future and what type of mates i should be looking out for. and it mademe think that i was no different from my mom and what she expected from me.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Dia because after doing this assignment i did become closer to my mom and it suprised us both that we had similar views.