Monday, February 22, 2010


Ernest Hemingway once wrote:
"Honor... no matter how dishonest, is as real a thing as water, wine, or olive
oil. There is honor among pickpockets and honor among whores. It is simply that
the standards differ."
What is your definition of honor? Do you have any experiences dealing with honor? Consider situations that involve responding to taunts, name-calling, or fulfilling obligations to family or friends. Is honor always about manliness (machismo) and loyalty?
Has the definition of honor changed over time? Is it consistent across cultures?

Comment once to this post, then once again to the comment of a classmate by Monday, March 1.


  1. I think honor really means to show great respect because so far in the book shakespear realy expresses the word honor. Just like if it was to just exaplain how he would honor his mother or father or a person sometimes even a place. I think the meaning of it has changed within the last 100 or so years and if so its actually been looked at less greatly.

  2. Honor can be depicted as serving your country or representing your country in war or in an international competetition, such as the olympics. However, honor can also mean demonstrating respect and courtesy for a specific group or individual. I personally have witnessed honorable recongnitions in my home where I honor family traditions.

  3. Honor is something that a person may gain through respect and integrity. In the book,"Fa Mulan: The Story of a Woman Warrior" by Robert San Souci(based on the disney movie Mulan), a young woman disguises herself as a man to serve in the Chinese army. She does this so her elderly father does not have to and risk his life. Mulan brought honor to her family and county by being China's war hero. Although, some men did not think of her as an honorable hero, but rather as an ordinary weak woman. So overall, in certain cultures honor has been based on masculinity and sometimes still is today but less of it.

  4. I believe honor is the code which you follow and believe is right. Honor can be depicted in many ways but to me it's like my code of conduct. I mean I believe having honor is doing things such as just failing a test that you didn't srudy for instead of trying to cheat off of a friend. Or picking up someones wallet. You can either just take it for yourself or try to return it to its pervious and rightful owner. Honor is not all about loyalty and being macho but doing what you think is right and to always follow that. Honor is deffinetly different throughout all cultures and can even different among the people of even the same culture and nationality. Honor is valuing what u believe in and doing what you think is for the best.

  5. Honor can have a lot of different definitions, but mine is that honor is something that you earn by doing something heroic for others. Honor doesn't always have to be somthing that's totally great, it can be something as little as helping others out when no oene else will. Things that would be considered heroic now are different compared to what Shakespeare would consider heroic because the honor we think of now, has to do with doing something that a lot of people would like when Shakespeare's definition of honor would be from being in a family that's respected, or going to war.

  6. ALso I agree with what Allison said about it also being about honoring your country by war or competition and this is true, because you are bringing respect and dignity to your country and you are serving it. But this is also a different kind of honor than the one I was mentioning about.

  7. Honor is basically self pride and integerty. It is the ability to turn your back on people who are trying to harm you or provoke you. If the person has enough selfrespect they will turn their back and walk away

  8. I agree with Justin because the meaning of honor is different depending on where you are and what the situation is. I also agree with him when he said that honor is doing something you value or you believe in, to do what is best, because that's what really matters when you have to make decisions that may be hard to make.

  9. Honor is being honest with yourself. You can easily fool others but not yourself.I never try to cheat others or myself. Like finding money on the ground. The honorable thing to do is to try to find the owner. Honor is not always about manliness and loyalty. There can never be a specific definition for it. it all depends on the situation and the person.

  10. In order for a person to believe they have some sort of honor or are honorable to something, they have to be trying as hard as they can, and like Saeri said, be honest with themselves. Honor is pushing oneself to a point where they know they are striving to be the best they can be, whether its being able to run one mile or five miles depending on the person. When people know someone is doing their best at something, even it they it still needs work, they give them more respect than someone not pushing themselves all the way. Therefore, anyone can have honor, whether its a "pickpocket" or a "whore" as Ernest Hemingway says because they once they learn to respect themselves and remain loyal to themselves they can be honorable. When someone is made fun of and called names, if they respect themselves and value their life, they won't let it bother them.

  11. My definiton of honor is someone who is true to themselves and they know they can be trusted by their friends and family. They just have to be honest with themselves. Like Laina said, when someone knows they are doing the best they can do, then they have honor in themselves for accmoplishing that one task they set out to acheive. No matter the person personality type or social status we all have our own definiton and if that person meets their own expectations than they can truly have honor in themsleves and be proud of themsleves.

  12. I completely agree with justin because like he said honor is basically what a person believes is the right thing to do. I also agree with allie because honor really does mean showing respect and courtesy to an individual or a group of people.

  13. I agree with Saeri. Honor is also about one's integrity. In the end only you may know the truth about your own actions and nobody else.

  14. Having honor means you respect others and yourself. In Romeo and Juliet, Romeo defends his and Mercutios honor by challenging Tybalt. Also even though people have different points of view, your honor is only changed by yourself, because only you know what you have done.

  15. I agree with Leanna because you are the only one who knows the actions and choices that shape our honor. By gaining honor for oneself, one also gains respect from others. Just as in Romeo and Juliet, the Capulets try to gain honor for their name by marrying a respectable person (Paris to Juliet) to their daughter

  16. I think having honor is about having respect. If you taunt and name call others you do not command much respect from others and are less honorable. I think honor was more about machismo in the past but has changed to encompass things like respect and integrity. I do not think the defintion of honor is consistent across all culures because actions considered honorable in one culture may be considered not honorable in other cultures.

  17. I agree with Alli when she says that the definition of honor has two different meanings, honoring your country or a specific group/individual. I don't think that honor is always about manliness because to think you have manliness is not honor it is vanity and/or pride which is one of the seven deadly sins. However I do think honor can be related to loyalty by doing something for the good of your country or just a person. I definitely think the definition of honor has changed over time and that it is not the consistent across cultures.

  18. I think that honor means respect to oneself as an individual and also being honest to yourself. For example, if you are a team captain, or you are representing an organization...this means that you have honor. Honor is also honesty because it gives you honor just by being honest in oneself, or to others. This is what honor means to me.

  19. I agree with saeri because honor does depend on the situation and the person in the situation. Honor can be shown in many different ways according to the situation and the different people n the situation. Honor is shown differently according to each people

  20. Honor is gaining respect through actions. If a friend is being taunted the honorable thing to do is help him/her even if it's not the most popular thing to do. Honor isn't always about manliness or loyalty it's about doing the right thing. I don't think the definition has changed for any culture but I think people forget about it sometimes.

  21. I agree with A.Dallas when she says that a person can be less honorable. A person can gain honor but can also lose it. It really just depends on one's actions. For example if I save someones life I will gain respect but if the next day I take someone's life people will lose their respect for me. There for will lose my honor.

  22. I agree with Miranda. Honor is all about trusting yourself and having faith in yourself. A lot of the time honor comes with a sense of achievement and in some situations relief. You have to respect yourself and your actions to have honor. You can't do something honorable unless to your knowledge you're doing the right thing. Usually "honorable things" are things like hosting the grammys or something, but it's only honorable if you make it honorable.

  23. I think that honor is like living up to a family name. If you do something stupid people aren't going to judge just you, they will judge your family also. It's like you're lessening your family's name.

  24. My definition of honor is to live up to something like your family or exceptions of others. Some of the experiences I've had where honor comes into play is whenever I'm about to do something stupid because if say for example I'm about to have a test on English it's better to study then to not study because of the honor that comes with the grade. Honor isn't about being macho or loyal its about doing whats best on the inside and out since they affect people.
    The definition of honor has not changed because its always about doing whats best in the eyes of others. Honor is consistent in all cultures because its something everyone should hold on to.


    I agree with Lorena because honor is exactly gaining respect through actions and thats the only way to do so. If you didn't have honor people would view you as a freak or weirdo since honor is what keeps people just. Honors even existent in some of the most frowned upon cultures like Arabs who believe sacrifice will earn you a spot in heaven next to god.

  25. Honor is a word with many meanings. To each and individual person honor means something different. Being raised as a first generation Chinese American I was raised to have honor for my native culture and be proud of where I'm from. Honor to me also means to have integrity to yourself, never do any actions that go against your morals.
    I agree with @saeribong. When she said, "You can easily fool others but not yourself". She proves a good point that honor is somewhat like your own conciseness, that you may fool the world but you will never be satisfied.

  26. The word Honor reminds me of a war-like setting where it has a soldier serving their country and having respect for one another. To have honor, one is able to do something without fear, but with pride and valor, in some cases, but everyone has different views of honor. I agree with Haley's response in where honor may live up to a family's name. "If you do something stupid people aren't going to judge just you, they will judge your family also. It's like you're lessening your family's name." No one wants their family to feel burden on them, so of course one would want to show honor and achieve, instead of being the one that brings the team down.

  27. To me honor is dealing with respect for yourself and others. Someone who is called names that has self respect or is honorable would just walk away and not respond because they know it’s not true. If someone has respect for someone else, they wouldn’t call others names or look down on others. Different cultures have different definitions of honor. Something that might not be acceptable in one culture might be acceptable in another culture.

  28. I agree with A. Dallas. If someone taunts and calls other people names, others don’t respect you as much. If the person respects others and doesn’t call them names, others will respect them more and they will be thought of as a more honorable person.

  29. I believe honor is like trying to live up to the family name as well as gaining respect from others. Honor is what gives someone a sense of pride towards someone or something. Also honor can be gained through friendship as well. One time in elementary school i had gym and everybody thought i was really bad at soccer but when i started playing thy started to respect me and offer there friendship to me. I believe honor has not changed in ideology and that depending on culture there is honor and there is no honor.

  30. I believe that honor is doing the right thing and/or going above and beyond the call of duty. One example many students have probably been through is if someone is being picked on and another person tells the bully to stop, that is showing honor. For the most part, the definition of honor has stayed the same over the years. Since the meaning doesn't change much, the definition of culture is consistent throughout most cultures because if someone does something that it wold take courage to do, that person is showing honor.

  31. I agree with Akshay. When you show honor you do gain respect from others since they acknowledge what you just did. I also agree with the fact that honor can be gained through friendship. Whenever I help someone with a computer problem, they are extremely thankful and they respect me.

  32. I think that honor is like a source of credit or distinction. It is also a privledge. For example when you get a once in a life time opproutnity offer, you are honored to be offered this.Being honored, people develop a certain level of respect for you. They obviously think that you are somthing more than an ordinary person.
    I agree with Megan Feng. I think that being an indian is an honor that is completely undescribeable.
    -Bhavisha Dave

  33. To me honor is honesty and integrity. Someone who is honored is highly respected and deserves regognition. The Maid of Honor of a wedding is respected to give the bride honest opinions and insight. She is not honored because of manliness or loyalty, it is because she is tryig to make the bride's life easier. Personally, I honor my granparents because they are wise and I respect them. Honor used to mean a brave warrior who fought for his country but now it can mean something as little as helping a friend with a bully or turning something into the lost and found instead of keeping it. There is honor in all of us no matter who we are. Once one respects oneself they have honor.

  34. I agree with Laina when she said to be honored someone must be doing there absolute best. They have to strive for what they want and for doing the best that they can do they should be respected. The standards of each person are different based on their capability. They should recognized for exerting oneself as far as they can go. It is better to work your hardest, even if it is not top notch, than slacking.

  35. I do not agree with Daniel Macintoth when he said that the definition of honor has not changed because while the ideology behind honor has not changed, what is considered honorable has. For example, in the past people dueled each other, which meant they would fight each other, often to the death. Dueling was often thought of as honorable even though it was possible that someone would be killed. However, dueling is not considered honorable now and killing anyone is unacceptable today.

  36. Some people have many definitions for honor. But my definition of honor is having respect or showing respect. For example, man of honor, it is a military honor where most people respect him. I deal with honor a lot in my family when we have family traditions or celebrations. Honor isn't always about machismo; if one has respect for them self and others then name-calling isn't an issue. I also believe that honor has changed over time. Things now are a lot different than things probably 10 to 20 years ago. Most cultures can also have many definitions of honor. One culture might define it as showing honor to one’s family and doing the right thing for your family while others could look at it as having respect like I said before.

  37. Honor to me is doing things that you feel are right. Sort of like your moral beliefs but not exaclty. Bringing honor to someone or something is doing good for that someone or something. For example, if someone is being teased and you step in and defent that person then you have done an honorable thing. Also, I think that respecting people and things brings honor to then adn to you because they should respect you in return.

  38. I agree with what Nicole said. Someone who is honorable is someone who deserves recognition and is respected. Honor is not juged by manliness or loyalty, but by how the person has bettered the world and people who know them. If the people in your life respect you and do not regret knowing you then you are an honerable person.

  39. Honor can be looked at in many different ways. In my view honor is about respect, integrity, and honesty. Whether you are in the military, attending a college or even in high school, there are honor “codes” to guide you. Honor codes were created to help guide people to a certain behavior, with consequences if you do not follow the codes. For example, a college honor code would punish a student for cheating. A military honor code would punish a cadet for not giving the officers respect. Honor codes are not the same everywhere which can create problems when people have different expectations because of different codes they have been following during there lives. I also think honor can be viewed as having commitment. For example if you are on a team you have made a commitment to attend practices and games. If you do not show up to practices you may not be properly prepared for the games. If you miss a game your team may have to forfeit, a dishonorable act in my view. Honor is about respect, respecting yourself and others.

  40. Honor has several definitions such as; it is that which attracts esteem, or consideration, dignity, courage, fidelity, especially the excellence of personal and moral character. In my opinion, it is a matter of having self-respect and respect for other. It is a basic human quality that everyone should have. One must earn honor by doing good to other.
    I did have problems with honor when I was in 8th grade. I lied to my parents and that is the biggest mistake I could have ever done. I dishonored my parents. I didn’t understand the meaning of honor. In retrospect and introspect, I feel disappointed at myself. For a moment I felt that I had lost my dignity. Now I believe that I have earned my dignity back. I do not believe that honor is all about being manliness but it is all about loyalty. If you are loyal to someone else, you have honor within you. I do not believe that the definition of honor has changed that much over time, but I do believe that it is all-time consistent across human civilization.

  41. I agree with Logan because it is true that a person doesn’t have to be manliness to have honor. Sometimes when you are scared to tell someone the truth even if you know it is going to hurt you or them, you have honor because you just told the truth. It is good to be honored by having faith in honor.

  42. I think honor means to maintain good values and judgment and never compromising them. I personally have experienced a situation were I had to keep my honor and dignity while someone was taunting me. I don't think honor is always about machismo although it is in many cultures. I think the definition of honor has changed extremely over time. Honor is not consistent across cultures. In some countries people can abuse, disown, or even kill their own blood if the family reputation is in stake.

  43. I agree with Nicole. They're many ways to be honored but not all are being honored beause of manliness. I feel that most honorable situations are not based on your manliness. I feel it has changed in that way, because a while ago the honor was based on manliness as nicole had said about being honored as a warrior. Now thats not the only way to get regognition.

  44. I think that honor is an action that shows your character and what you believe also shows your judgement and what you are willing to stand up for. I play sports and I honor my commitment to those sports and my teamates by attending practices and showing up to games. I do not think that honor is always machoism, I think that it is more about being true to your values and yourself. I think that the definition of honor has changed slowly changed over time. I don't think that honor is consistent in all cultures, I think that depending on that cultures values that it shapes what honor would be in that culure. I agree with Nicole in that if someone has respect for themselves than they have honor and other people will respec them too.

  45. I think that honor is being responsible for your actions and keeping your composure in bad situations. Honor is your dignity. There have been times when I want to speak up and say what I think but I am reminded of what my parents expect of me and I maintain my honor. The idea of honor has changed greatly in our culture over time. It used to be masculinity, but It has changed into dignity. Honor means something different to everybody.

    Joshua Myers
    Pd. 7

  46. To me "honor" is respect that is gained overtime, pride, and doing the right thing. For example: your best friend has the reputation of being a nerd and is the laughing stock of the school and no one wants to talk to her. Your rep. is being the more popular sporty girl that has many frineds but because shes your best friend your not going to let people say mean things about her or let her sit alone at lunch. Your going to stay by her side and ignore comments like "your hanging out with her that means your a nerd to." I do not think honor is always about machismo but i do think somewhere in any situation that loyalty is plays some role. I do think the definiton of honor has changed in some ways because people in our generation dont take it as serious as people back then.

  47. I agree with Nicole. She said the meaning of honor has changed over time because back then honor just really described people who served their country at war and now the honor has extended its meaning to a very wide variety of things. Such as standing up for someone or completing a diffcult task.

  48. I believe honor is the code of morals a person lives by, it is whether or not a person abides by those morals no matter what they are. So as Ernest Hemingway said there is honor among pickpockets and others, it just differs. I have had some sitations dealing with honor. I have had to choose to uphold/honor family traditions. It is not always about loyatly but a lot of times it is, it is about loyalty to oneself and morals usually. I feel it has changed some over time but the priniple has remained the same, as is the same in different culures the principle is still the same although the details may change.

  49. I agree with Tiara. It is true that the definition has changed over time because it doesn't matter as much to people now, but I believe the principle still remains the same. I also agree that machisimo does not take part all the time but loyalty does.

  50. My definition of honor is doing what oneself thinks is morally right. Although over the centuries honor has always been considered a great virtue, the exact definition of honor varies upon the time, culture or person. Generally, in Shakespeare's time, honor was defined as keeping one's dignity and doing what society thought of as right. This rule, obviously, did not apply to criminals, as they had a different idea that honor was doing what one must to get what they need. In modern times, the rule is not much different from Shakespeare's time, though there are many more people who have their own individual definition of honor. I agree with allidriscoll that loyalty can be a large part of honor. I also believe that, again, different people's view of loyalty differs. Take, for example, serving one's country. Some people would view loyalty as serving as a soldier, while others would think of loyalty as helping families who have someone fighting in the war. If this part of the definition of honor is different among people, it only adds to the diversity of people's thoughts about honor.

  51. I believe honor is honesty, fairness, or integrity in one's beliefs and actions. I consider being an American very honorable. According to my definition, honor does not change over time. It applies to all generations over time equally.

  52. i think that honor is a very real thing. Honor is when you feel proud to do or be something. I also think that in the modern world out idea on honor has changed a lot. I think that in shakespeare characters have honor. Like Juliet has Honor for not leaving Romeo even under such extreme pressure.

    Jonathan Word

  53. I aree with Tiara. Honor is a thing gained over time and you cant just get it right away. you have to work to get honor with someone and gain their respect

    Jonathan Word

  54. Honor doesn't have just one definition. But, I think it has to do with not only respecting yourself and others, but also doing what others won't when someone needs help. It is not only doing what is convenient, but what is also the morally correct thing to do. For example, a honorable thing today might be considered telling the truth to your parents and when you say you're going to do it, actually doing it. The definition of honor has changed over time. Before, in Shakespeare's time period, honor probably had to do with your class (based on wealth) or fighting and killing other people in duels. Today, however, honor has a much more flexible definition and has to do with small things too, like standing up for a friend. Also, honor has nothing to do with manliness anymore. It was important in Shakespeare's time, when woman were considered weak and unimportant. But, loyalty does have to do with honor. Like I stated above, standing up for someone you love and being loyal to them will bring you honor.

  55. I agree with Madelyn when she says respecting other people and your self brings honor. If you make a good difference in someones life then you have done an honorable act. Also, you are not required to have manliness to have honor.

  56. I agree with Madelyn when she says "Sort of like your moral beliefs but not exaclty. Bringing honor to someone or something is doing good for that someone or something." Doing something good for someone else, in other words, being selfless is honorable. You should not always think about yourself; instead think about how your actions can benefit someone else. Everyone is capable of doing this, but it takes more strength and a bit of modesty.

  57. I agree with Rachel D. Honor is upholding what is morally correct for the culture and time-period. It used to be doing what was most masculine, then changed to doing what your family would want, then it changed to doing what is morally correct. It also changes based on geography.

  58. The defnition of honor to me is having great responsibility and the showing of kindness. Being honored takes a great resposibility because you must hold your position. Over time i believe that being honored has always stayed the same. The soldiers of Iraq are honored because of their service for our nation. They risk thier life for our freedom and safety.

    I agree with Miranda. To be honored you must be true to yourself and the others around you. To be honored doesn't take for you to be this or that, you just gotta believe in yourself and be proud

  59. i agree with what kenny said. having honor is not only respecting yourself and doing what is right but respecting your family name. Having honor or doing honorable things reflect upon your family as much as it does on you.

  60. I have to agree with Lorena. And also going along with what Leanna wrote, like Mulan, she didn't do the right thing exactly. It was considered the wrong thing to do. Yet she gained the respect of her family. She upheld her family name. She brought honor to her family.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. I agree with Kev because it is true that honor is the way in which you have respect towards others and yourself. By having respect towards others shows that you have respect towards yourself.

  63. honor is about doing what is right. because different people have different definitions of what right is, people's definition of what is honorable differs.

  64. I believe honor is the respect that you want people to give you, which is why I believe that honor has changed over time because people don't show as much respect to others as they did a hundred years ago. I agree with allidriscoll because honor is the courtesy that others show to you and in return you show to them.

  65. I think honor is sort of like a code of conduct. To have honor is to have integrity, morality, honesty, and self respect. When a person honors their family, they have enough respect for their family to act in such a way that, for lack of better words, speaks well about the family name. And you definitely don't have to be a man to be honorable. The ideas of how to obtain honor may be different across cultures, but the concept of honor is still basically the same: acting in a away that is admired and respected.

  66. and Haley. you sound like you are quoting my parents. "you are an Etienne Arnelle!"
    I'm sure everyone's parents say something like that to them all the time, however you bring up a good point because sometimes people judge a family based on one person.

  67. I agree with Aatessa when she said honor meant to maintain good values and judgement and to never compromise these things. Choosing whether or not to honor your beliefs is sometimes hard, but you should not compromise yourself.

  68. Honor is a feeling of pride and self respect. Doing the best you can to achieve something great worth recognition. For example in the Olympics gold medalists have a sense of honor for themselves and their country because they know they did their best. I think honor is much less centered around expectations and is more centered around personal satisfaction. I don't think honor has different views over cultures now. I think they did, but times have changed and so have people.

  69. I agree with Lauren when she said, honor is an action that shows your character and what you believe in and how honor also shows your judgement and what you are willing to stand up for and what you are willing to do. I agree with the fact that reached goals instill honor in you. Reaching toward dreams and fulfilling them can even have feelings greater than honor.

  70. Honor can be characterized in many different ways. It can be thought of as something as big as serving your country in war or as small as not taking advantage of someone. I have experienced honor in many different ways. Things like showing sportsman like behavior on the soccer field to not cheating on tests in school.

  71. I agree with Lorena. Honor is mainly gained through actions. An example of this would be by joining the army you gain honor for your self due to your own actions.

  72. I think honor is when a person is true to their character and who they are while also not allowing anyone to compromise their belifs and values. I personally faced a descision where I felt like i owed it to my family to protect our family name. Therefore I stood up for them as a symbol of honor. While i do think that the definition of honor has changed throughout the years I still believe that the overall idea of honor and how it relates to respect and loyalty is still very relavent today. Honor and how it is shown varies depending on the culture. Some cultures show their honor in more harsh ways than others.

  73. I agree with Aatessa about the definition of honor and how it vvaries in the different cultures. I also understand her point of view when she describes how she stood up for herself when being taunted. That story is easy to relate to.

  74. Honor has many factors digntiy, pride, glory, courage, but it also has to deal with putting others above yourself in grave times such as a man would in war (selfsacrafice)doing what is best; if it be wrong or right. People will judge you and maybe your family by your honor such as they did in Japan.

    I disagree with lorena honor isnt always respect, what if you must get disrespected to gain or regain your honor such like a person would.....if they were to be playing a game only way to regain your honor was to throw away the game.

  75. Honor can have a different definition to anyone. But, i think honor is haveing integrity, nobility, and fairness in ones actions or beliefs.i haven't had many situations dealing with honor but sometimes when i see students makign fun of someone because they are slow or a little different then the rest of us. I show honor by not joining in the taunting or name calling. However, i do think that i could obtain more honor if i actually stood up to the people making fun of others. I don't think honor is always about machoism and loyalty, although when we see movies and we all get the idea that it is. I think honor can be displayed in all types of forms and machoism is just one type. I don't think the definition of honor has changed drastically over time because i think everyone will consitently see honor as machoism and loyalty, most of the time. The definition of honor is not consistent through out cultures because each culture has different views on what is honorable and what is not. Honor is a very diverse topic and can be shown in many different ways.

    Rebecca Manikkam Period 7

  76. I agree with anthony when he says that honor,"has to deal with putting others above yourself in grave times such as a man would in war." i think people in the military especially show a great amount of honor because they are risking their lives for us everyday and in my opinion have achieved the highest from of honor and everyones gratitude.

    Rebecca Manikkam Period 7

  77. Rachel (rbpikovsky) response caught my eye, explaining honor in a way no one else had thought about it. " She claims "Honor is about commitment." For example, for poms each pom has to be committed to going to all our performances, and if someone doesn't, they have dishonored the rest of the team.

  78. I believe that honor is being proud of something you do. Soldiers in Iraq have honor for serving their country, But also, a dinner host can have honor for hosting their guests. Honor can be portrayed from many viewpoints, whether it's if you defend something for others (war, helping a friend in a fight), or something much smaller.

  79. I agree with Megan when she says that "each persons view of honor is completely different". Each person has their own standards, and what they think honor is may be different than anothers.

  80. I think honor is doing the right thing, no matter what the circumstance is. For example, when you are tempted to do something bad, such as cheat.Someone with honor, will not cheat, because they know that would be doing the right thing,even though no one would see. Which also gives the defenition i think honor has, doing something great or even good,without acknowledging it, or letting anyone know.

  81. I also agree with Sam because, the way i experience honor is also showing sportsmanship on the field and choosing not cheat on tests. Also, I show honor by
    volenteering at summer camps, so other kids can have fun over the summer. In conclusion, the simple ways I show honor is helping others have a nicer day, and exhibiting excellence when I am on the field.

  82. Honor is can be perceived as something big like serving your country or just receiving recognition on a math test. No matter how big or small, it still shows pride and will make you happy

  83. I agree with Megan when she says" everyone has a different view on honor" which is completely true because i might think honor is serving your country in their time of need whereas someone else might think of it as being on the "honor rolll. Everyome's perspective is different.

  84. I agree with Dia. Honor is being true to yourself and not allowing anyone to manipulate your values. If you maintain your honor people will view you positively and will trust you.

  85. I agree with Tiara when she says honor can be demonstrated through loyalty to a friend. Honor can require physical stamina but also the mental ability to stay loyal. Honor can be exemplified through large or small aspects in society as shown through something as large as war versus something as small as staying by your friend's side.

  86. Honor is pride, respect for others, and responsibility of your own actions. It is also about having good judgment in everything that you do and being trustworthy. Honor is not consistent across all cultures, cultures are different from one another. What may be honorable in one culture may be shameful in another.

  87. I agree with Trishank's response. Honor can vary in size, shape, or form. It is set by your own standards, whether if you want to help out your community or change the world, you do what you believe to be honorable.

  88. Honor is something that is earned by doing something that no else would. A soldier earns his honor by going into battle. An athlete earns his by being the best player. No honor just means that you are respected as an individual.

  89. I agree with Anh that honor is pride and respect. As an individual a person has a choice of what to be or what to become. With hard work, honor can be earned in anything you want.

  90. I believe that honor is respect for doing something well or being a good person. There is honor in everyday life, or as some people may call it, "props". Some may consider fighting a way to gain honor, but I myself do not. Honor does not always have to be about beating others. Over time, honor has become more of respecting people with morals than physically strong people.

  91. I agree with Laura. There are many ways for honor to be shown. That means each definition of honor is a perspective of the individual's view. (ps-I posted late because I had no internet in Florida)

  92. I think that honor is respect. Respecting someone on a higher level as you would respect or "honor' your parents or an elder. Also honor can mean to like praise someone or something. To honor it with value and treat them or it with valuable means.

  93. My definition of honor is having pride in what you do. I believe if you do something honorable, it doesn't necessarily need to be a good thing. To some people, being on America's Most Wanted would give them honor. If you put pride in what you do, it's honorable. Not a lot of people have pride in it's true definition, they just do what everyone else expects them to do. Therefore, not a lot of people have honor. I have multiple experiences with honor, both good and bad, but there is one instance when I showed honor in the good sense. I was in school in 7th grade when this random kid comes up to me and wants to fight. I said "No, I won't fight you." and he apparently knew that I had anger management issues but didn't know I was a black belt in Tae-Kwan-Do. He wanted to piss me off so he tries to punch me. I blocked it and punched him in the gut. He tried to punch me with his left hand, so I blocked the punch, grabbed his wrist, and took him down. I had my fist up to punch him in the grey area, also known as the knockout area around the jaw, when I could see the fear in his eyes. I figured, "I don't think he'll mess with me again." and so I got up and walked away. I know that people would call me a coward and think that I was not manly, but I believe people mistake honor for manliness too often when honor has nothing to do with machoness. I do believe honor's meaning has changed over time, but I still believe honor is pride, not toughness.

  94. I agree with Anh. Honor means pride and respect. If you work hard enough, you'll have honor in whatever you do. Like I said in my post, "Honor is pride, not toughness." When you have pride in what you do, it's honorable no matter what other people think. Speaking of which, if it doesn't matter what other people think, how do we know what honor's definition is? Isn't the dictionary written by someone?

  95. Honor is when you are proud of something, its not bragging or showing off, maybe related to humble

  96. honor is being respectful and knowing the difference between right and wrong. i treat others the way i like to be treated. honor has not changed over time and all cultures have there own honor system.

  97. i agree with saeri because honor is also about being true to yourself and not just doing something because other people are doing it.

  98. Honor is when you do something with pride and in the end everyone respects you and thinks good of you. Honor is also hen you are respectful to people even to those who treat you badly. Honor is also when you are true to ohters but also true to yourself.

  99. i agree with Zharnell because honor is being respectful and being respectful to those that are older than you. It is also being proud of yourself for accomplishing something.

  100. Honor has many factors digntiy, pride, glory, courage, but it also has to deal with putting others above yourself in grave times such as a man would in war (selfsacrafice)doing what is best; if it be wrong or right. People will judge you and maybe your family by your honor such as they did in Japan.

    I disagree with lorena honor isnt always respect, what if you must get disrespected to gain or regain your honor such like a person would.....if they were to be playing a game only way to regain your honor was to throw away the game.
